This year, Zayde is attending preschool at the Mt. Comfort Church of Christ Sonshine School, and I am teaching there as well. We only go on Monday and Wednesday each week, and we are loving it!!
First day of School....
Putting his lunch box in his cubby.
Zayde's teachers, Ms. Mary and Ms. Merrily.
(Ms. Mary is no longer there, but he has a new teacher- Ms. Marcy.)
In September, Sonshine School had a cowboy day where we all dressed up like cowboys, and a real cowboy brought his horses...
Zayde's class checking out the horses.
Kynzie and Zayde
"Say, Yee Haw!"
Zayde rode a horse for the very first time!!

Kynzie loved it, too!
Zayde with his class. (His new teacher, Ms. Marcy, is on the right.)
This is my class- so sweet!
Mommy and Zayde...
I love teaching where he is going to school, so I can be involved and be right there with him!
In October, Sonshine School had the pumpkin patch come to us! We had a local farmer bring a trailer full of corn and lots of pumpkins- all the kids had so much fun!
Playing in the corn...

Listening and learning all about pumpkins!