Please pray for our family, as our nephew has passed away.
You can visit the blog I have created for him- Remembering Eli.
Comments and prayers for the family are very much appreciated.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Eli Victor Mathis
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Birthday Party!
Thank you David and Jessica for opening your home to us and hosting the party!
Zayde had lots of family and friends who came to celebrate with him...
Thank you to Karen, Jessica's mom, for taking all of the wonderful pictures- we will treasure them forever!
We tried to take pictures of each group of kids who came to Zayde's party...
Zayde's cousins- Cayden, Kynzie and Addye
Zayde's cousins- Tyler and Chloe
"Happy Birthday to You!"
Zayde received many awesome gifts- thank you everybody!
Zayde is wore out after all that fun!
Our Family...
Thank you to everyone who came and celebrated Zayde's birthday- it meant so much to us!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
The Word on Wednesday... (a day late)
Genesis 30:22- "God remembered Rachel; He listened to her and opened her womb."
God remembered Rachel; but had he ever really forgotten her? No! When the bible uses the word remember, it does not mean that God forgets and then suddenly recalls. God is Alpha and Omega; He is all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-loving. I doubt that God was sitting in Heaven and suddenly said, "Oh, yeah- I forgot about Rachel! I need to go ahead and answer her prayer." gives several definitions for the word, remember. Here are a few:
-To retain in the memory; keep in mind; remain aware of:
(Ex- Remember your appointment with the dentist.)
-To bear (a person) in mind as deserving a gift, reward:
(Ex- The company is so good to remember us at Christmas.)
-To possess or exercise the faculty of memory:
(Ex- She always remembers her homework.)
Isn't the second definition great? That is exactly what God did for Rachel! He beared her in mind as deserving a gift from Him- the gift of being able to have a child.
I believe that when the bible says God remembers something, it conveys God's love and compassion for his people, as well as His promise to never abandon or leave us. He will never forsake us. He will never forget us. He will always remember us.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Happy 2nd Birthday, Zayde!
Due to weather, illnesses and power outages, we postponed his birthday party a week. However, I could not let the day go by without treating our 2-year-old on his birthday. We started the day by making pancakes (his favorite breakfast), and we even put peanut butter and syrup on his! He usually eats them plain. Then, we took him to Chuck E. Cheese for lunch. On our way, I told Zack that we needed a cake. So, we stopped by Rick's Bakery and bought him a little cake- they even gave us 2 candles! Here is our adventure in pictures...
What is he looking at?

(He was mesmerized by the performance.)

But when it came time to meet the star, he was too shy to look up from Mommy's shoulder!

Time for the rides!
The first thing that Zack wanted to put him on was this big truck...

Zayde LOVES to "talk" on the phone. So, he was not too shy when Chuck E. called.

Driving the race car- Go Zayde!

And his favorite part of Chuck E. Cheese??
The tunnels...

He looks like such a big boy to me in this picture. Last year, Daddy had to crawl through the tunnels with him. This year he did it all by himself!

Playin' some B-Ball...

Happy Birthday to Zayde!

We love you so much, baby!!