Here it is October, and I am just now posting the last of our summer pictures! We had such a fun summer with Zayde this year. He was able to do so many things and make great memories...
Fun at the Pool!!
Zack got our family season passes to the Aquatic Park for my birthday this year. It was the best!!

Botanical Garden Wedding
My cousin got married this summer at the Botanical Gardens. It was beautiful!
My family:
Mom, Dad, Christa, Tamara, Amy
Three Beautiful Sisters!!
4th of July Rodeo

Fun at Mimi's!

Zayde learned a new trick how to look outside...
Camping at Bull Shoals with Papa, Nana and cousin, Cayden...
Playing kick ball with Nana!
Enjoying a movie and pizza rolls with Cayden.
Fun at the Fair!!

Great-Grandma Guist got Zayde a new tee-ball set. He and Daddy enjoyed playing this summer evening...

Labor Day 2009
Tyler caught a fish!
My first fish ever!! (that I can remember)
Our fish... in a puddle.
Bon-Fire Fun...

Daddy and Zayde wore out from all the fun. (Yes, they are really asleep.)
A Trip to Devil's Den...
Papa gave Zayde a ride around the campground!
Family Hike...
The Hickmans
The Lewis'
The Roys

Bikes, Blues and BBQ 2009
We continued our tradition with the McCash's at BB&BBQ!

You never know what you're going to see...

David and Jessica even cruised Dickson on their bike!
If I were to ever have my own bike (which I won't) it would definatley be pink with polka dots- so cute!!

Zayde wanted to sit on a bike all night, so we found a sweet couple who let him sit on their HARLEY DAVIDSON!!

Zayde falls asleep in someone's arms every year. Yes, with all of the crazy noise!