Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Word on Wednesday...

Genesis 19:17, 26- "... one warned, 'Escape for your life. Do not look back or stop anywhere in the valley. Escape to the hills, lest you be swept away.'.... But Lot's wife, behind him, looked back, and she became a pillar of salt."

I have been studying about Lot's wife this week in my bible study. There are only a few verses in the entire Bible about her, but her story is very well known. She is introduced in Genesis when Lot brings home several men of God. After doing so, the men of the city- the men of Sodom- try to capture the men from Lot's house. But, they are forced to leave without the men. Later, the men of God warned Lot to take his wife and daughter's and flee from Sodom; escape to the hills; do not look back! (Genesis 19:26- "'Escape for your life. Do not look back... lest you be swept away.'") Even though warned not to do so, Lot's wife couldn't resist looking back, so she turned into a pillar of salt. Why do you think she turned? Was she doubtful, sad, scared, curious, regretful?

Sometimes, we might find ourselves in the same position as Lot's wife. We've been given a word, warned, lead to do something, but we don't listen. Then, just like Lot's wife, we find ourselves looking back, regretting decisions made, mourning lost opportunities, not allowing God's mercy in our hearts. Because we're looking behind us, we can't see what is before us. We won't turn into a pillar salt, but we won't be much more useful. Let's embrace God's mercy and forgiveness, find joy in the present, pray for the future and leave the past behind us-
No turning back...


Cassie said... said...

I always enjoy your words of wisdom. Keep it up

Jessica said...

This example makes me think of our phone conversation yesterday! What a great example of obedience- no trust without a backward look.